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Do we need to follow online trends?

Online trends move very quickly... Many marketers try to predict and set trends in order to weed out their competition and scare you into buying their stuff - the common hidden agenda in most cases. So, be very careful. Listen with a clear mind.

Why listen when in most cases, the predictions are geared towards emptying our pockets? Because some trends will impact the way we do business, whether we like it or not.

As in Las Vegas, buildings go up as fast as they go down... Constant Change is the time tested formula to attract most people. The lightings, the music, the height of the ceilings... all these little details play a part in bringing in the big time gamblers and customers and making them stay longer in the casinos and hotels... If the little things are not handled correctly, the whales and the high rollers would not stay longer, which would lead to less money-making opportunities or revenues for the casinos and hotels...

The landscapes online are also consistently changing... Virtual estates are built offering ever-changing virtual reality. To be ahead of such trends would definitely be an advantage.

The past weeks have seen an increasing number of income opportunities being offered online... Sales, gifts and bonuses, all the time-tested marketing strategies we're familiar with offline are also flooding the inbox gates. Think you're the only one having a spam problem? LOL!

New stuff are mostly old stuff repackaged in most cases, which includes software.... Creativity is key. Yet, some new things even though they are based on ideas that have long been thought of, could prove to be very useful. Let me give you an example... when we watch TV shows like the CSI, we see how the criminal investigators enhance the blurred images using a computer software to pinpoint the culprit. Do you think the software really exists? Yes, it's fictional... It might become fact even as I'm writing this... Is it useful? You bet!

So, do follow the trends to see whether you need to tweak your marketing as time goes on... But beware of trend setters who are merely trying to scare you into fulfilling their hidden agenda of emptying your pockets. Even top marketers are doing that... it's nothing new. When in doubt, it won't hurt to just don't take action.

Now, you need not empty your pockets to follow the trend. Be aware of this and learn to follow trends from the sidelines. Ask around. Do some research. Visit the library or bookstores. Become wiser! Many things in life are actually free. It's the people who make it different.

Being greedy is the downfall of most people who fail online... Scammers and good marketers know this, so it's high time you realise this too. Take this to heart and you'll soon become wiser, and when you're wiser, you'll start to make money and be in profit... Why? You'll suddenly discover that your spending power has increased with wisdom =)


Key to Marketing Infoproducts Online

Have you heard of ClickBank? I see the affiliate links all over the Internet. Now, why do people buy infoproducts when they could have done their own research in a local library or online?

When you visit a shopping mall, there may be many shops selling similar things. What do you do? Do you do a lot of window shopping? Do you already know what to get? Do you see signboards leading to certain shops, restaurants etc.? Do you get to somehow access some marketing materials like discount coupons and attractive brochures leading you to some shops...? Do you get attracted to Sales like Year-End Sales of more than 50% in discounts?

It's the same online. As long as you can somehow reach out to people, you have the potential to make money online, especially so if you can provide some form of value-adding.

Why do people buy infoproducts online?

If you can answer this question, you're on your way to effectively market any infoproduct. All marketing strategies will come from answering this question.

Yes, this is the Key: To Know Your Target Market and Their Motivation to Buy.

People who get infoproducts are basically looking for Instant, Effective, Focused and Convenient Solutions to the problems they are facing. Can they find their answers in a local bookstore or library? In most cases, YES!

Now, the problem most buyers of infoproducts now face would be the overloading of information online. Which infoproduct is most suitable? Which one is value for money? Can you help them? Will they take you seriously?

If they don't see you as a familiar, serious and trustworthy solution provider, they would most probably get the same infoproduct from someone else. Branding is thus quite crucial if you're looking for long term success online. That's where getting your own domains and hosting them come into the picture...

There are truly many ways of marketing. You can find ClickBank Marketplace full of ways of marketing. They seem as plentiful as what you can find on the Internet. Now, basically, if you focus on growing your business, and as long as it's a bona fide one, there's no way to fail!

If you fail, ask yourself... What have I done? And as long as you're honest with yourself and stop your blaming game, you'll succeed =)

Remember this key and use it to open the Internet Treasure Chest =)