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I'm re-visiting PPC because someone asked me to share with him how to best use it... Well, I use Google Adwords, and I'll say that how you word your ads is what matters most when you use PPC.

However, we should not ignore the tools available, especially the tool to target relevant sites to show your ads. This is done when you create a new campaign (choose placement-targeted instead of keyword-targeted). Don't just look at the sites with lots of visits, but look at where the ads would appear, and if you are obsessed with your site's Page Rank, check out the targeted site's Page Rank before deciding to include it.

Your ad must basically be relevant to the keyword being searched or the targeted site being viewed. Of course, if the visitor can see value in your ad and there's a clear call to action, he/she would click through it and when he/she finds that your site too is relevant and in line with what your ad is promoting, then your chances of closing a deal is high =)

Hope this helps =)


Making Mistakes Yet Making Sales...

Sometimes, you make a mistake in typing deliberately or non-deliberately, and your subscribers get to one of your recommended websites and you make a sales... Have you tried that before? I have, a couple of times, and it works as long as the recommendations are relevant I guess =)

Example: I use ViralURL to cloak my links, and I type in the wrong keyword... (Try clicking on the link a few times and you'll see a different site appearing each time...)

Sometimes, the person who's looking at your site types in the url wrongly... should be ending up with an error page...I configure the error pages to what I'd like people to see, and kaching!

Example: User types in

Hope this little tip helps!


Web Traffic Generation & Sales Conversion

If you're just focused on web traffic generation, you need to realise that although that isn't a bad thing, you need to integrate that focus with sales conversion in order to make money online.

If you have people visiting your websites, but nobody is willing to take a good look at the excellent products or services that you're recommending, then the traffic is kind of wasted.

Sales conversion requires us to build rapport, follow up and make things simple... or at least people should be able to see that you have tried as nobody is really perfect and most people are okay with you trying your best... Sales conversion comes with value. Example, if someone gets a product from me or merely has been in my list for a while , I would sometimes give the person a surprise gift.

That may not seem a lot, but it does wonders =) Giving gifts to our personal friends seems to be the natural thing to do... why not apply that online too?

Using things like Aweber to follow up may seem expensive, but with the excellent delivery rate, it's well worth the investment... Did I just mention investment?

Making money online indeed would need some form of investment... it's business. If you're not willing to invest in yourself, invest your time, invest your money, invest your energy... You're not going to go very far.

Those who have made it to the 1 to 2% who actually make money online are those who have invested and worked through some tough moments... They may want you to believe that it's all so easy... The heartaches that sometimes come along with trying to make this work is usually quite heart wrenching. We need to overcome what we've been taught since young and see new possibilities in every situation...

Making money online has done one thing for me... It has made me a better person. I used to think little of the value of money. I used to take money for granted. The many pitfalls that we face in life, they are really all blessings!

Sales conversion will come about if we are truthful and face our situations as challenges head-on. There will be many ways that have worked in the past that might suddenly not work, there may be many unexpected hiccups along the way, but once we have the mindset to overcome all things, we inevitably WIN.

Basically, we need to go back to the basics... Work on capturing our visitors, send them through a funnel, build rapport by providing value and solutions, be responsible for our actions and even mistakes, and support them until they succeed too!

May you live life and live it well! Cheers!