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IPC Instant Cash

Newbies who do not know how to market online tend to think of online income opportunities as scams and spams... I see that all the time and that's the exact mentality that hinders their success online.

With IPC Instant Cash, a program I've recently checked out due to a posting on my lens, marketing online has been made so simple that anyone who is willing to start making money online will start making money online with the right stuff =)

Many people will benefit from IPC Instant Cash, and web traffic generation would certainly become easier! If you're serious about making money online starting from Day #1, join IPC Instant Cash today. Do check out their $5,000.00 Cash Reward too!

If you've never been able to drive traffic or convert sales... simply put make money online... you owe it to yourself to start with IPC Instant Cash as soon as possible!



Enough of Trying to GET PEOPLE to JOIN YOU?

Now, we know that having a good lot of traffic is half the battle won... However, for most ordinary folks who know very little about marketing and converting prospects to real buyers, much less about how to make money from people who leave their website without buying into their opportunity or whatever... getting lots of traffic doesn't seem to get them anywhere! In fact, most people are losing money just trying to get traffic to their websites...

If you are serious about growing your business online, you need to learn how to literally become a MAGNET! This is a very Affordable Long Term Business Getter that WILL Definitely Grow Your Online Business!



Is Making Money With ZERO Web Traffic Possible?

Now, there are some genuine opportunities online
that can seriously make us good money without us having
to drive any web traffic over to some referral site...

Usually, it means that the whole operation mode
to make the dough does not depend solely on
the amount of web traffic...

Possible to make money with zero web traffic?
Yes! But most people would do better by getting some
traffic because the wait could prove to be more difficult
as patience and desperation are separated
by a very thin line.

Here are 2 solid income streams that
do not depend on web traffic to your site(s):
- Flipping Domains
- Forex on Complete Autopilot

There are more... Can you name some?



Traffic Fusion is not for everyone...

Do you need traffic to your site? Thinking of getting Traffic Fusion? I've recently checked my emails after a long break and have been asked by an amazing number of people (especially newbies and "perpetual newbies") about whether Traffic Fusion is meant for them.

If you're just starting, and you don't have that spare cash, the logical and recommended course of action should be: No. Don't get it.

It's seriously not meant for everyone!

Only if you have your own massive line of products or thinking of reaching that point somewhere in the future should you consider getting it now.

Many marketers hype on product capability without considering whether the people reading their emails or whatever forms of ad really need the product! They might be following blue ocean marketing strategies or the like blindly... but if you're not needing the product and it's going to become a white elephant, you need not bite the bait =)

Now, please also don't just get it for the sake of all the bonuses that usually come along with Mike's products.

There are the smarter marketers who hype on the old rehashed bonuses... Get real! You've probably got most of the bonuses in the past if you've been getting traffic or im products, or if you're a member of some good programs... you should take a good look at what's already available to you (sometimes they are found on your desktop!) before getting anything. If you should get anything, it must be purposeful.

Don't let traffic trouble you. There's always a way to get word out to a few people who will then spread the word for you if you're offering more than the product's value (usually your honest opinions will be valued over bogus bonuses and even discounts, and wise clients would rather go with honesty).

Beware not to get yourself distracted. The truth is many people have paid for infoproducts that could actually make them rich, yet very few somehow get to achieve those desired results... Why? Well, before they master anything which would usually take some time and patience, they lose their patience and determination and move on to something else.

Talk about fusion? If we but focus on one thing at a time, we can eventually have many wholesome parts that we can integrate and fuse together. Sounds simple? Yes, it is simple. Those who have tried writing a thesis would understand this. Those who have tried setting up a family would understand this. Pay attention to the small things, and bigger things can come out of them.

So, let's not be Jack of all trades and master nothing in the end =) Put in some focus, and I believe you can do what you set out to do. The secret recipe to succeed in driving traffic and achieving more in life is found inherently in this post, and the answer is in your heart =) Cheers!


Friends and Foes

When you're online, it's not a simple task to determine who your friend or foe is. You'll have people trying to "get fresh" with you for all kinds of reasons... and usually the most prevalent reason is to "empty your bank account"... Well, that's just putting it negatively which most people can relate to =)

The irony of it all is that in real life, things are pretty much the same too!

Just because someone is willing to do a joint venture with you doesn't mean that he or she is your friend. In business, it's just business. If you take things personally, you'll be quite disillusioned. The key is to stay detached.

Sometimes, your friend is someone who will reject your ideas and try to guide you by doing something which you think only a foe would do. You need to look through the razzle dazzle and straight at the intention and motivation behind your friend's actions or words to find the true friendship that sometimes need to hurt you.

Not everyone can be helped in the same way. Some need to be shown a tougher way in order to make it through in life. If you help to break open the cocoon for a moth or butterfly, you're crippling it from flying for life!

Instead of wondering who your friend and foe is, it's better to wonder how good or bad a friend you are to your friends. Then, you'll be able to discern better and not jump to conclusions =) Your perspective in life is bound to change, so let it change for the better, and remember... it always start from within ourselves.

Hope this post opens up a whole new world for you! Cheers!


Peter... Cast Your Net Now! It's a Big Catch!

Are you listening?

Easier said than done? Don't trust the gurus? Think that everyone has an ulterior motive online? (Many do, so you're obviously not wrong to think so.) Think they have too many "secrets"? Fed up of being SQUEEZED by their SQUEEZE pages? (LOL!) Fed up of all the hype?

Yes, people can go crazy most of the time when it comes to money issues. We can all easily lose our way swimming in unclear waters... When you've found a way to make money online, you probably would find it difficult to impart such applicable knowledge and skill sets for the mere fact that things change very quickly online.

Years ago, I was searching for a way. I've done all the money and investment programs or some prefer to call games, I've created countless email accounts and even different profiles that still make me money till this day. I've done countless testings and will still continue to test things out once in a while. Now, I've found many ways... After finding the ONLY WAY =)

I receive a lot of emails daily from ordinary people telling me how disillusioned they are, yet when it comes to crunch time, they refuse to be helped.

My message here is this: Listen and carry out the task you've been asked to do.

When Peter was asked to cast out the fishing net, he did so... and what a Catch! The nets were so full that they need others to help them pull in the fish!

You're here probably because you think generating traffic is so crucial... Have you tried implementing what you've found here on this blog? If things are slow, how fast do you give up?

Now, most people are stuck because of the state of mind that they're in. Marketers will always tell you about the marketing systems, how they eliminate failure, how things can be on autopilot... Yes, but if your state of mind is off, a business in a box will somehow still turn into a nightmare in a box.

So, start listening, and listen well. You need to put into action what you listen and have faith in, or nothing will ever work. If you're reading this, then this is meant for you.

Go an look at the links I recommend to make you money online and take courage to join me. I will work with you to bring in the big catch =)

Have a Great Weekend!


Speaking with God...

You might be asking... What has that got to do with web traffic generation?


Man proposes, God disposes.

Whether or not you're a believer, this is universal and will always apply. If you want to succeed in anything, start having a conversation with God, and you'll be amazed how much God's in control of everything that happens.

We may not always understand God's ways, but have faith. It'll always work out perfectly. Have love, and everything will make more sense and miracles will happen.

In such times when people online are so confused with whatever's happening, it's really easy to forget that God is in control. Blessed and happy is the person who trusts God in all things.

Now, I wouldn't want to impose anything on you. If you don't agree, you can always move on to read my other posts which would still benefit you =) If you are fine with this post, read on...

How do we speak with God? It's easy, just speak any time, any where, any place... God listens. Tell God what's in our mind, our concerns, our anxieties that we want to let go of, our thoughts, our struggles, our situations...

The important part of relating with God is to learn to listen to the promptings that will come because you've poured out your heart to God... even when we're asleep, God can and will direct us.

This conversation is a constant conversation. It need not be us talking all the time although sometimes we find that our thoughts are many and incessant... This conversation should eventually become a two-way communication. It will touch our hearts in a profound manner and make us realise many things that we've never before even taken notice of.

If you dare to communicate with your maker, you'll definitely gain more than web traffic =)



Getting Traffic But Still No Sales?

This is by far one of the most common scenarios. You get a terrific traffic system up and running, but no sales... What could have gone wrong?

Well, for sure, you would need to work on your sales conversion. Traffic generation must go hand in hand with sales conversion. Here's a $7 Solution you would be excited to lay your hands on that has been proven to convert your traffic to sales as soon as you start applying what you learn! So, get it and use it to your advantage!

God bless!


There are just too many things to do!

Do you feel this way?

You can definitely work very hard and do many things every day. However, to drive quality traffic is not about getting lots of traffic to your site. It's all about getting traffic that converts to dollars and cents. Dollars and cents only come about when you provide Value.

Why is Gold valuable? Why is Silver Valuable? Why is an art piece more valuable than another art piece? Both are done by human beings, right? Prejudices aside, one would have taken more time and effort to produce something of value.

Money = Token of Value

The secret is in doing things in steps with the end and purpose in mind. Don't worry if you can't integrate everything on hand at one go. It usually takes time. Have the end and purpose in mind. Plan ahead, keep close to your vision and just take the necessary steps that you can handle... one step at a time. Before you know it, you would have done a whole string of things that you might never have imagined doing in the first place! Quantum leap? That's just a way to express what you can almost always eventually accomplish when you take courage to take the first baby steps... This is the secret to making breakthroughs.

If you don't even dare to take your baby steps, then usually there'll not be any major step for you to take. Don't overlook the small things. They are the bricks that help to build your house!

So, take comfort! Don't pressurise yourself unnecessarily. Rome is seriously not built in one day =)


If you like blogging... why not do it and earn as well?

Today, I was reading what I would consider personally as one of the best guides on social marketing. It is known by most earning bloggers --> Authority Black Book by Jack Humphrey. You can literally apply the first tactics within the first hour of reading it! It is the second version, with lots of cool stuff added to it, and if you got yours last year, I'm sure you wouldn't want to miss out on this latest version =)

Just yesterday, I was going through some useful & effective social networking lessons shared by Bob Jenkins =) [I used to be a teacher myself too... lol!]

If you really enjoy blogging, and are very sociable, then get your hands on the Authority Black Book and discover with Bob how you can use social networking to make a living online! Who knows, you might be able to make yourself a feasible fortune and fire your boss... =)


Targeted Efforts...

Some people are making insane amounts of money by just being faithful and focused to the process of growing their business. For example, they look for one person a day to join their business. They do that by inviting people that they seek out online. By the end of a week, they would have 7 or more signups... What would that do for your business?

This is actually easily achievable, but people like to think of making money online as a complex science and thus work in such a way that things would indeed be difficult.

I know of people who belittle themselves and think that others are belittling them. In the end, they constantly send the wrong signals to the people around them that naturally lead to themselves being belittled in reality.

You might think that this is plain silly... Yet, I can assure you that the Law of Resonance should not be ignored. What we resonate in ourselves, we attract to ourselves very quickly.

Now, start realising now that inviting one person a day to join your business is really possible and even easy. I'm sure some of you have many friends in facebook, friendster and what not... Getting to know more people isn't that difficult online. If you're a real person that people can relate to, a simple invitation would not be shunned =)

If a person says NO, simply move on. The real secret is to set yourself a realistic goal and work towards accomplishing it. If you find it difficult initially, one person a week is really okay too! Just be aware that it'll become easier over time if you do your part the best that you can.

Ok, if your efforts are well directed to achieving a certain target... that's when you are really on track. If you can't achieve your target within the timeframe you set for yourself, be not discouraged. Change your strategies if you need to. Simplify matters. Divide and conquer. You'll do better the next time around =)



Comics... Anyone?

Marvels from Marvel
Astonishing X-men, Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter, Daredevil and more.
Great low prices everyday on Marvel Comics titles.

Anyone interested? Are you interested? It would help if you are =)

I love comics, and because I love comics, it's easier for me to take note of who among my friends love comics. Indeed, my love for comics makes it easier for me to find my target market if I were to market comics, and to be able to market to your target market is far better than just merely driving people who may or may not be interested in what we have to offer to your site.

PASSION in what you're marketing truly helps because of the inner focus that comes naturally to be able to connect with our target market groups... It is not everything, but it helps if you're as excited as your target market about the product or service.

So, in deciding what you'd like to market, do consider your passion. Sometimes, it just needs a little creativity to turn your passion into a dream income =)



When things go down...

I know, some people were concerned when ViralURL's servers suddenly went down on them. Things like that do happen, but it's not the end of the world. The whole Internet might crash, but as long as you're still alive, you can always find another way out! You might want to diversify your ways of reaching out to the masses so that you'll not be worried if things really go wrong.

When things go down, have faith and look up =) Everything will be fine! Everything happens for a reason, and everything will be perfected in time to come =)

Anyway, I shouldn't end this post without some solid and good recommendation that'll help you for sure, should I? LOL!

Okay! Here's one SOLID Recommendation that will help you automate any online business saving you lots of money and time and energy... and much much more! Check it out as it's worth your time and have fun using it!




I'm re-visiting PPC because someone asked me to share with him how to best use it... Well, I use Google Adwords, and I'll say that how you word your ads is what matters most when you use PPC.

However, we should not ignore the tools available, especially the tool to target relevant sites to show your ads. This is done when you create a new campaign (choose placement-targeted instead of keyword-targeted). Don't just look at the sites with lots of visits, but look at where the ads would appear, and if you are obsessed with your site's Page Rank, check out the targeted site's Page Rank before deciding to include it.

Your ad must basically be relevant to the keyword being searched or the targeted site being viewed. Of course, if the visitor can see value in your ad and there's a clear call to action, he/she would click through it and when he/she finds that your site too is relevant and in line with what your ad is promoting, then your chances of closing a deal is high =)

Hope this helps =)


Making Mistakes Yet Making Sales...

Sometimes, you make a mistake in typing deliberately or non-deliberately, and your subscribers get to one of your recommended websites and you make a sales... Have you tried that before? I have, a couple of times, and it works as long as the recommendations are relevant I guess =)

Example: I use ViralURL to cloak my links, and I type in the wrong keyword... (Try clicking on the link a few times and you'll see a different site appearing each time...)

Sometimes, the person who's looking at your site types in the url wrongly... should be ending up with an error page...I configure the error pages to what I'd like people to see, and kaching!

Example: User types in

Hope this little tip helps!


Web Traffic Generation & Sales Conversion

If you're just focused on web traffic generation, you need to realise that although that isn't a bad thing, you need to integrate that focus with sales conversion in order to make money online.

If you have people visiting your websites, but nobody is willing to take a good look at the excellent products or services that you're recommending, then the traffic is kind of wasted.

Sales conversion requires us to build rapport, follow up and make things simple... or at least people should be able to see that you have tried as nobody is really perfect and most people are okay with you trying your best... Sales conversion comes with value. Example, if someone gets a product from me or merely has been in my list for a while , I would sometimes give the person a surprise gift.

That may not seem a lot, but it does wonders =) Giving gifts to our personal friends seems to be the natural thing to do... why not apply that online too?

Using things like Aweber to follow up may seem expensive, but with the excellent delivery rate, it's well worth the investment... Did I just mention investment?

Making money online indeed would need some form of investment... it's business. If you're not willing to invest in yourself, invest your time, invest your money, invest your energy... You're not going to go very far.

Those who have made it to the 1 to 2% who actually make money online are those who have invested and worked through some tough moments... They may want you to believe that it's all so easy... The heartaches that sometimes come along with trying to make this work is usually quite heart wrenching. We need to overcome what we've been taught since young and see new possibilities in every situation...

Making money online has done one thing for me... It has made me a better person. I used to think little of the value of money. I used to take money for granted. The many pitfalls that we face in life, they are really all blessings!

Sales conversion will come about if we are truthful and face our situations as challenges head-on. There will be many ways that have worked in the past that might suddenly not work, there may be many unexpected hiccups along the way, but once we have the mindset to overcome all things, we inevitably WIN.

Basically, we need to go back to the basics... Work on capturing our visitors, send them through a funnel, build rapport by providing value and solutions, be responsible for our actions and even mistakes, and support them until they succeed too!

May you live life and live it well! Cheers!


Happy Labour Day!

It's 1st May in Singapore and I would like to wish everyone who's celebrating this day a Happy one!

As we labour through life, we sometimes forget about what matters most. Here's a quick reminder for us all to take a break and just spend some time with our loved ones.

Those of us who labour online tend to forget about time and life passing us by. We need to have public holidays like these to help us STOP for a while to take in deep breaths and just chill out.

I work about six solid hours a week now to grow my online business. I don't do a fantastic lot of work and I spend most of my time at home with my family. Why am I revealing this? Well, I just want you to know that it's possible to make a living with so little time spent. In fact, I've discovered that most time-consuming tasks usually amount to less results than those less time-consuming tasks. Track and reflect on what you've done so far, compare them with the results being produced, and you might find this strange trend or pattern too =)

I'm a believer that if you work within yourself and resolve your issues within, everything around you will become better as well. Your relationships, your financial situations, your health...

After much reflection, one of the most crucial things to get right from the start when you want to embark on any business online/offline is this: Get Organised!
I'm not saying that other things like focus and planning and goal setting are not important. Far from that!

Now, if you're organised... if you purposefully organise your folders, your desktop, your bookmarks etc. right from the start... You'll find it easier to be consistent, purposeful, disciplined, focused and on task. You'll basically find things easier to do and your goals easier to achieve. You'll be saving yourself precious time and a lot of energy =)

Ok, that's all for now... I know that what I've just rattled away will one day make sense to you, and if you digest it well, you'll achieve a lot more than you can ever imagine possible.

For now, I'm going to relax and live life =)



How can I Keep the Traffic Flowing... Without Spending a DIME... Without Using My Brains...?

Someone asked me how... What do you think?

To keep posting ads here and there and surfing for traffic credits in traffic exchanges can be tiring, it's like another never-ending JOB, but what do you expect for FREE and brainless activities?

If you want great traffic, beginning with Traffic Exchanges could seem like a whole lot of things to do... Including your links in article resource boxes, forum postings, emails... and getting your ads out on free online classifieds... these are tasks that may seem daunting to anyone, especially newbies...

How can all these be done without having to pull our hair out?

The secret is not just be focused in your thinking and actions, but also be DISCIPLINED. If we are not organised, trying to be disciplined would only be an uphill task.

If you split your tasks into smaller chunks, have a schedule for everything, have your browser bookmarks organised, and just do things when the time comes, you'll have no problem generating free traffic!

When you're organised, it's easier to be disciplined without having to pull your hair out. If you are disorganised, you'll feel pressurised as there's no structure or system in place to get things done orderly and you'll find time going against you.

Hence, there are indeed many things online that can aid us in marketing. We can spend some time in research using the search engines or reading free books from the library about marketing... Then, start doing things in a focused, organised and disciplined manner... reflect on what has been done as we go along, make the necessary adjustments and changes, and persevere...

No big secret really. Driving traffic and making money online... = Consistent... WORK.


Mindsetting: The Web Traffic Game...

You may still not be aware of this... To generate web traffic is the easy part. If you're focused on numbers, you are basically playing what we call the numbers game. You can generate traffic using offline means or spend some money for traffic. You can also borrow other people's traffic via ezines, joint ventures and the like... or get redirected traffic from writing articles for instance.
Now, there's no harm in playing a game. It actually makes making money online/offline easier and you won't be taking setbacks too badly when you treat it like a game. It's actually a good mindset to get into which can surprisingly attract a lot of traffic to yourself.

Gamers who love the games they play tend to excel in the games after some time. Even lousy gamers can become good gamers as long as they persevere in achieving their objectives and conquering the various levels. I'm not saying that playing a game is going to be plain sailing, but if you're willing to take the necessary steps to find out what works and what doesn't, you basically will find a way out!

It basically takes practice and coming out with certain strategies as you get more familiar with the game. If you're stuck at a certain level, you either give up or hang on long enough to figure out how you can overcome the obstacles.

Let's say you're now trying to make it online with a simple proven income stream, but you tell me that you're having problems getting people to even visit your site... What do you think is really wrong? Have you given up at some point?

Without hits, I know most people think they're out of business. Well, that's not true. It's actually almost impossible not to be able to get a hundred people to visit your site within a month (which could easily mean 1 person joining your business for that month) unless you're literally doing nothing, do not have a strong desire, are not focused and do not have clear goals.

You need to set your priorities right, set your goals on track, search the internet intelligently for ways within your budget to get people to your website like how you would do a research for a suitable vacation package for your family or the like, and keep yourself from being distracted from a decided task at hand... Seems like a lot of things to do... How much do you want to make it?

When you can get the numbers in, you can then get to the part where you show people how easy things really are, and they will join you in business. Only people who are not focused and not trying enough will experience difficulty getting traffic to their website and being on task.

Different tools and systems can vary in their effectiveness and which may also change over time. What works well today may not work as well a few months from now. The key is to keep testing until you find a set of ways that work to achieve your goals. Continue to track your campaigns in case there are changes you need to know about.

When you take generating traffic as a game, you unknowingly allow yourself to be more open to an endless sea of possibilities, and will learn to see openings where others only see closed doors. You may still be distracted, but in a surprisingly focused manner. You're basically focused on one topic: Web Traffic Generation. Your fears are easily conquered when you treat driving traffic to your website like a game. You tend not to surrender without a good persistent fight and you'll find that you'll have extra energy that can easily lead you to achieve what you might have thought unachievable in the past.

Don't take failures too seriously and life will become brighter and more meaningful in general.

Take SpinSuccess for a Spin Today!

If your website converts well in terms of sales, then to deprive it of traffic is indeed a waste!

Web Traffic is needed to make money online. It is not the end-all, but it is a vital component for most businesses that make money online.

I've taken SpinSuccess for a Spin and am very much impressed! If you're serious about driving targeted traffic to your website, had enough of hype, had enough of testings... and do not like the tedious task of search engine submission, then take a Spin like I did... I've had a Spin of a time!

Below is an article by ... Enjoy!

How to Rank High on Google

To rank high on Google, your website has to be measured by “500 million variables and 2 billion terms” of Google’s equation, as stated on Google’s Corporate Information Technology Overview page. Google’s ranking system is based on a democracy, and the citizens are the links on the worldwide web that vote for each other. Not unlike our government today, many of these “links” are paid for, and some are of greater value. Ranking high on Google is playing politics. Links and Keywords are the key players in the ranking game. Google also takes into consideration the full content of the page including HTML codes, fonts, subdivisions and the “precise location of each word.”

Links are votes. You must develop a link strategy. Google likes linking things together. Create a rich network of links with distinct quality content. Your website must have quality links going out and coming in. Quality is the key word. Links from reputable pages (which ironically includes .gov pages) are given more weight than links on “link farm” pages. Linking to a “link farm” is one of the worst things you can do and can potentially get you deported off the web. The better the links, the better your ranking. Google will factor in your page content and the content of the pages you link to. Do your research. Google has a free page rank tool on their toolbar. Use it to find out the page ranking and visit the site.

Google also gives more weight to one-way links that lead to your site, and less weight to reciprocal links. How do you get these? Buy them. List yourself in a reputable directory listing. Make sure you are listed in the Open Directory Project ( If you can’t buy links, write good content. Give someone a reason to link to your site. Again, the keyword is Quality. Submitting articles and press releases are also strategies in the linking game.

Keywords are your platform. They are what you stand for. Words count. Graphics don’t. Make sure your words are not in graphic form and make sure you have relevant titles under your graphics. Start with your title tag. Put everything you stand for in ten words or less. Make your URLs short and keyword specific. Brand yourself. If you type in soda, Mountain Dew will not show up on the first page. If you type in Mountain Dew, it will be on the first page. Brand yourself so users know what they are searching for. Do not put the same words in every heading and every tag. Be descriptive. Sell yourself. There are multitudes of free keyword rank and suggestion tools. Use them as a supplement to your knowledge of your company.

Think of every element in your website as words and pages in a presentation that is going to be up for a vote. Does everything fit? Is it all related? Are you a reputable company with a quality product? Does it sell? Now sell it. Google is waiting for you.

This article is sponsored by


An important Mindset "Secret" that leads to Making Money Online...

There's No Free Lunch.

You basically pay using your
energy, time or money...

If you're always looking for free ways,
as in no or low cost ways to make money
online, you need to realise your trading
away of your time and energy...

Spending less initial money usually
doesn't work out well for most people
including those who have been trying
for years to break the code.

Buying eBooks to Read and Learn &
buying eBooks to Read, Learn and Apply...
Do they sound the same to you?
Clarify your purpose and you'll waste
less money, time and energy altogether!

Get this right and you'll realise it's
all about what you choose to trade with
to make money online.

Whatever your choices may be,
to work less physically, you need to
work hard mentally... also known as
to work smart.

It's really that simple.
We tend to complicate matters =)

Now, successful people I know are all basically
very reflective people, but with a twist.
They dare to take action, and will try
until they succeed.

It like playing basketball...
You may have the skills and strategies, but
you'll also have your opponents trying to
block your attempts. There will be moments
when you need to make a few extra attempts
in order to overcome your adversities. You
need to keep at it and keep your focus in
order to make the baskets. And life is
like that. Every ball you basket counts.

My personal secret formula: 1 2 3 Stop Think Do.
I've learned that in school when I was a teenager.
More on that soon...

Here's wishing you success!