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Does Paying For Your Traffic Work?


Here's a One Stop Advertising Center that works:

This doesn't just drive you traffic, but helps you convert them to sales! Check it out and see what I mean =)

Ok, paying for your responsive traffic usually doesn't start or end with advertising... Paying to invest in applicable knowledge, systems, tools or any kind of resource that will help in building up your business will also contribute to that end.

For instance, getting the applicable knowledge of Viral Marketing would definitely give us an edge when it comes to driving the traffic we would want to our websites. In fact, JP Schoeffel and Sharlene Raven have teamed up to bring us an incredible eBook called "Viral Marketing Made Easy" and buying this inexpensive eBook would be likened to paying for our traffic... Agree?

Wouldn't you be eager to learn how to use the snowball effect to create an avalanche of traffic to Your website ... or the secrets that will make you the bank managers' Favourite Customer ... or how to get OTHER people to do the work while you simply sit back and rake in the sales?

In "Viral Marketing Made Easy" you will learn all these and more. When done CORRECTLY Viral Marketing WILL
1. Build your Credibility by leaps and bounds
2. Improve your sales results exponentially
3. Increase your Marketing Efficiency
4. Leverage the Social Networks and Contacts

You will discover:
1. The 6 critical elements of success for a winning viral marketing campaign.
2. Why free, cheap and no cost offers are not the same!

You will also see a live Viral Marketing Case Study.
If you want to know why Viral Marketing blows the doors off conventional marketing, you will not want to miss this eBook! ... AND as an added bonus you will get the Audio version of Viral Marketing Made Easy AND Squidoo Profits.

So, instead of getting a traffic leads package, you can get "Viral Marketing Made Easy" and learn to generate your own leads on the fly...

Tom Traffic really changed my mind about SEO.

Money well spent will only lead to making more money =)

Ever thought of Search Engine Marketing which can really drive traffic to your website(s)? Firstly, it's best to have your website(s) ready, as in your website(s) should be more or less Search Engine friendly and have some relevant and ready content. To do this kind of marketing can be tedious without professional help. Get the help you need here.


Forum Marketing...

As in any sort of marketing,
using the existing search engines is my primary tool =)

Just do a search on whatever your niche area plus forums, and you'll find great results that are potentially the places where you can do your posting and gain from this activity...


If your niche is dog food, type into the search box:
"dog food" + "forum"

If your niche is affiliate marketing, type into the search box:
"affiliate marketing" + "forum"

... get it?

Visit the sites and use your logic, intuition, discretion and whatever wisdom you can muster and decide which forum has members who would be your ideal market. Yes, you need to have your target market clear in your head first =)

After selecting the relevant forums after going through things like the following:

- What's the size of the forum population and how active is it?

- What are the popular categories or topics being posted and viewed?

- Are there any potential, relevant and content-based postings you can make?

- Will you be affected by the limitations imposed in the terms & conditions?

- Is there a real demand for your product?

This is not exhaustive list... just a guide.

Now, this is only the basic research part. Usually, after the research, many marketers somehow slow down... Why? It's registration time =D

Ok, here's an unorthodox tip... (Hush hush, ok... some underground marketers wouldn't want this out...) You need not register yourself all the time. You can build yourself a creative profile and enter the market as a person unknown to the world. Why? Some forums just won't welcome the actual person you really are. For example, if you're a man, how do you enter a women's forum if it's strictly for women?

You may ask whether this is unethical. Well, I call this undercover work =) LOL
Have you ever wondered why top affiliates usually have multiple ClickBank accounts? Here, you have it =) To remain anonymous. There are pros and cons to this. Use this tip only when you have no choice, ok =) Yes, this tip might be what you're hoping for if you're the "ultra shy and don't want a high profile" kind of person =P

Yes, when you're online, you're dealing with all kinds of people. Even criminals & ex-convicts who are just trying to make a living in a world that finds it easier to pass a lifetime sentence to any wrong-doer than to try to re-initiate them back into the society. Whether you like it or not, the internet world is a virtual world, and lives can be transformed. enriched and empowered here if we play our cards right. If you have a need to be anonymous for whatever reason, it's easy over the internet... However, there'll come a time when you'd personally need to rise above the world's opinion of you and be recognised as someone you're meant to be.

Ok, for further discussion or more views from me, just post a comment and ask me =)

Let's return to the registration part. It's tedious but necessary. After that, you're free to post! Bookmark the forums under a specially created Forums folder and use the same username and password for convenience. Now, to me, in forum marketing, there are basically 2 important parts:

* the part where you place your signature (make it simple with a little teasing if you may)

* the part where you track your posting by requesting an email alert for any posting activity after you so that you need not use any special software to do such a simple task for you.

Well, you'll sometimes need to respond to posts from people, but it's worth the effort.. Start a new discussion or topic if you can as that would put you in good light (you may be viewed as an expert sooner than you expect) if it's relevant and you'll have lots of opportunities to pump in content in your responses...

Be tactful and do not to post trash or unfocused replies or anything that people can mistake as spam. Use your discretion and do your research if you're unsure before you post anything. It's really enjoyable, so enjoy it!

If you're doing it with a sense of dread... People can somehow sense it and you'll not get good sales conversions that way. It's all about attraction. Cheers!


Driving Traffic is Easy, Attracting People is Easier...

It's pretty easy to get traffic to our websites. However, the real dough is made to rise when the traffic to our websites see value in what we're promoting and buy from us.

Now, if you're doing affiliate marketing, the products you're marketing are probably marketed all over the internet as well. What makes it any different? Why should someone buy from you and not from someone else?

Many marketers would tell you to add value by giving away bonuses, add your own voice and video to be more convincing, add your proof of earnings or someone else's proof of earnings if you're just starting out, add... give away this, do that... the list goes on. Nothing's new really.

So, why are people still buying from total strangers with moderate websites and not from those with all the bells and whistles added?

Here's the truth... It doesn't matter what you add or subtract. Those who get the sales they want simply have more faith that there are more than enough buyers who would be interested with what they have to offer. They have the mindset that sees abundance. This mindset can be picked up by people who visit their website... On the other hand, those who fail to convert sales basically have their focus on what's lacking.

Get this right and you'll be attracting buyers to you. Getting traffic to your website is good, but being unable to channel your traffic properly to become loyal friends or customers is not good.

The old saying about success beginning from within is true. It's not crappy. So, get your start right and you'll soon see a difference.

Thus, attracting people (or channelling traffic) is easier than what most people think. Once this is correct, whatever you do will flow to do just that =)

God bless!