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Driving Traffic is Easy, Attracting People is Easier...

It's pretty easy to get traffic to our websites. However, the real dough is made to rise when the traffic to our websites see value in what we're promoting and buy from us.

Now, if you're doing affiliate marketing, the products you're marketing are probably marketed all over the internet as well. What makes it any different? Why should someone buy from you and not from someone else?

Many marketers would tell you to add value by giving away bonuses, add your own voice and video to be more convincing, add your proof of earnings or someone else's proof of earnings if you're just starting out, add... give away this, do that... the list goes on. Nothing's new really.

So, why are people still buying from total strangers with moderate websites and not from those with all the bells and whistles added?

Here's the truth... It doesn't matter what you add or subtract. Those who get the sales they want simply have more faith that there are more than enough buyers who would be interested with what they have to offer. They have the mindset that sees abundance. This mindset can be picked up by people who visit their website... On the other hand, those who fail to convert sales basically have their focus on what's lacking.

Get this right and you'll be attracting buyers to you. Getting traffic to your website is good, but being unable to channel your traffic properly to become loyal friends or customers is not good.

The old saying about success beginning from within is true. It's not crappy. So, get your start right and you'll soon see a difference.

Thus, attracting people (or channelling traffic) is easier than what most people think. Once this is correct, whatever you do will flow to do just that =)

God bless!