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Targeted Efforts...

Some people are making insane amounts of money by just being faithful and focused to the process of growing their business. For example, they look for one person a day to join their business. They do that by inviting people that they seek out online. By the end of a week, they would have 7 or more signups... What would that do for your business?

This is actually easily achievable, but people like to think of making money online as a complex science and thus work in such a way that things would indeed be difficult.

I know of people who belittle themselves and think that others are belittling them. In the end, they constantly send the wrong signals to the people around them that naturally lead to themselves being belittled in reality.

You might think that this is plain silly... Yet, I can assure you that the Law of Resonance should not be ignored. What we resonate in ourselves, we attract to ourselves very quickly.

Now, start realising now that inviting one person a day to join your business is really possible and even easy. I'm sure some of you have many friends in facebook, friendster and what not... Getting to know more people isn't that difficult online. If you're a real person that people can relate to, a simple invitation would not be shunned =)

If a person says NO, simply move on. The real secret is to set yourself a realistic goal and work towards accomplishing it. If you find it difficult initially, one person a week is really okay too! Just be aware that it'll become easier over time if you do your part the best that you can.

Ok, if your efforts are well directed to achieving a certain target... that's when you are really on track. If you can't achieve your target within the timeframe you set for yourself, be not discouraged. Change your strategies if you need to. Simplify matters. Divide and conquer. You'll do better the next time around =)
