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Friends and Foes

When you're online, it's not a simple task to determine who your friend or foe is. You'll have people trying to "get fresh" with you for all kinds of reasons... and usually the most prevalent reason is to "empty your bank account"... Well, that's just putting it negatively which most people can relate to =)

The irony of it all is that in real life, things are pretty much the same too!

Just because someone is willing to do a joint venture with you doesn't mean that he or she is your friend. In business, it's just business. If you take things personally, you'll be quite disillusioned. The key is to stay detached.

Sometimes, your friend is someone who will reject your ideas and try to guide you by doing something which you think only a foe would do. You need to look through the razzle dazzle and straight at the intention and motivation behind your friend's actions or words to find the true friendship that sometimes need to hurt you.

Not everyone can be helped in the same way. Some need to be shown a tougher way in order to make it through in life. If you help to break open the cocoon for a moth or butterfly, you're crippling it from flying for life!

Instead of wondering who your friend and foe is, it's better to wonder how good or bad a friend you are to your friends. Then, you'll be able to discern better and not jump to conclusions =) Your perspective in life is bound to change, so let it change for the better, and remember... it always start from within ourselves.

Hope this post opens up a whole new world for you! Cheers!