There's No Free Lunch.
You basically pay using your
energy, time or money...
If you're always looking for free ways,
as in no or low cost ways to make money
online, you need to realise your trading
away of your time and energy...
Spending less initial money usually
doesn't work out well for most people
including those who have been trying
for years to break the code.
Buying eBooks to Read and Learn &
buying eBooks to Read, Learn and Apply...
Do they sound the same to you?
Clarify your purpose and you'll waste
less money, time and energy altogether!
Get this right and you'll realise it's
all about what you choose to trade with
to make money online.
Whatever your choices may be,
to work less physically, you need to
work hard mentally... also known as
to work smart.
It's really that simple.
We tend to complicate matters =)
Now, successful people I know are all basically
very reflective people, but with a twist.
They dare to take action, and will try
until they succeed.
It like playing basketball...
You may have the skills and strategies, but
you'll also have your opponents trying to
block your attempts. There will be moments
when you need to make a few extra attempts
in order to overcome your adversities. You
need to keep at it and keep your focus in
order to make the baskets. And life is
like that. Every ball you basket counts.
My personal secret formula: 1 2 3 Stop Think Do.
I've learned that in school when I was a teenager.
More on that soon...
Here's wishing you success!