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Mindsetting: The Web Traffic Game...

You may still not be aware of this... To generate web traffic is the easy part. If you're focused on numbers, you are basically playing what we call the numbers game. You can generate traffic using offline means or spend some money for traffic. You can also borrow other people's traffic via ezines, joint ventures and the like... or get redirected traffic from writing articles for instance.
Now, there's no harm in playing a game. It actually makes making money online/offline easier and you won't be taking setbacks too badly when you treat it like a game. It's actually a good mindset to get into which can surprisingly attract a lot of traffic to yourself.

Gamers who love the games they play tend to excel in the games after some time. Even lousy gamers can become good gamers as long as they persevere in achieving their objectives and conquering the various levels. I'm not saying that playing a game is going to be plain sailing, but if you're willing to take the necessary steps to find out what works and what doesn't, you basically will find a way out!

It basically takes practice and coming out with certain strategies as you get more familiar with the game. If you're stuck at a certain level, you either give up or hang on long enough to figure out how you can overcome the obstacles.

Let's say you're now trying to make it online with a simple proven income stream, but you tell me that you're having problems getting people to even visit your site... What do you think is really wrong? Have you given up at some point?

Without hits, I know most people think they're out of business. Well, that's not true. It's actually almost impossible not to be able to get a hundred people to visit your site within a month (which could easily mean 1 person joining your business for that month) unless you're literally doing nothing, do not have a strong desire, are not focused and do not have clear goals.

You need to set your priorities right, set your goals on track, search the internet intelligently for ways within your budget to get people to your website like how you would do a research for a suitable vacation package for your family or the like, and keep yourself from being distracted from a decided task at hand... Seems like a lot of things to do... How much do you want to make it?

When you can get the numbers in, you can then get to the part where you show people how easy things really are, and they will join you in business. Only people who are not focused and not trying enough will experience difficulty getting traffic to their website and being on task.

Different tools and systems can vary in their effectiveness and which may also change over time. What works well today may not work as well a few months from now. The key is to keep testing until you find a set of ways that work to achieve your goals. Continue to track your campaigns in case there are changes you need to know about.

When you take generating traffic as a game, you unknowingly allow yourself to be more open to an endless sea of possibilities, and will learn to see openings where others only see closed doors. You may still be distracted, but in a surprisingly focused manner. You're basically focused on one topic: Web Traffic Generation. Your fears are easily conquered when you treat driving traffic to your website like a game. You tend not to surrender without a good persistent fight and you'll find that you'll have extra energy that can easily lead you to achieve what you might have thought unachievable in the past.

Don't take failures too seriously and life will become brighter and more meaningful in general.